Our work will be spread over five major themes, ranging from Agriculture and Feeding program to, health, education, civic engagement and innovation and creativity.

Agriculture and Feeding Program

Through this theme, we’ll grow and provide food support to children and families within Freetown for the pilot phase and later in other cities. The goal here is to complement the global development efforts of achieving zero hunger by 2030, in our operational areas. Our model is a self-sustaining one and we’ll be producing at least 50 % of what we’ll be feeding our beneficiaries with. Also, and as part of the sustainability considerations, we hope to embark on large scale production which will in turn provide the need funds to support the rest of our programs and minimize the need for donor funding.


We consider the surge in the uptake of hard substance as a public health emergency, therefore, we’ll provide nutritious meals, and rehabilitation regimes to our young people and nullify the threats of hard substance to its barest minimum. Our interventions will seek to address hunger, imbalance nutrition, mental health and other related health complications associated with smoking excessive alcohol intake and any harmful addictive behavior.


As we feed our beneficiaries to relieve them of the burden and pain of hunger temporarily, we also believe there is need for empowerment and sustenance through sustainable livelihood. Accordingly, our educational portfolio will seek to identify those with the potential to undertake formal education across all level and admit them into the formal system and identify those with the potential for vocational training and enlist them into such programs with our partner organizations

Civic Participation and Inclusion

We believe that the vulnerable group are excluded or are excluding themselves for public or national issues and we have reservations to that. To curb this apathy or systemic prejudice, we are using this portfolio to cultivate citizens interest in national issues especially from the vulnerable community. We want to also ensure that inclusive national policies on all spheres of life are taken into consideration on national issues so that no one is left behind and that national policies truly reflects the interest of the people.

Innovation and Creativity

We believe formal education is still very much relevant, but it is also not the ultimate and we are very much aware of the impact of problem solving through innovative and creative solutions. Our Innovative and creative portfolio is to encourage those with the knack for it, to have the environment and platform they need to go and explore the endless possibilities that innovative and creative ingenuity can offer. Through this program we’ll set up a laboratory for our beneficiaries to go on and excel, earn a living, solve problems and inspire change for the younger generation.

The Premier Humanitarian Effort in Sierra Leone

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